The Information on `Wild Wild West'
What Is It?
Following a string of hits, including The Addams Family, Get Shorty and Men in Black, Barry Sonnenfeld scores a dud with this lumbering,
hi-tech western set in America after the Civil War.
Who's In it?
Will Smith and Kevin Kline fail to achieve any on-screen chemistry; Smith in particular is wasted as government agent James West, who together with Kline as Artemus Gordon, an inventor, set about destroying the evil Dr Loveless (Kenneth Branagh).
What They Say About It
"...this expensive , hi-tech blockbuster feels [so] cowardly. What balls WWW has are made of steel. In trying to hide this, it really does ring hollow," Charlotte O'Sullivan, The Independent.
"What a mess this is, what a terrible, abject mess. It hasn't got the heart to be a western; it hasn't got the style to be a tech-thriller, and it certainly isn't funny enough to be a comedy... best to give a miss to a movie whose title should be Mild, Mild Zest, or just Failed, Failed Jest," Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian.
"By setting the story in 1869, the screenwriters tap into a period of American history rather too dark to be exploitable for a caper," Adam Mars-Jones, The Times.
Where You Can See It
Wild Wild West in on general release
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