Quotes of the Week

Saturday 28 November 1998 00:02 GMT

"I am a modern woman. I can't be bothered to cook a pie for eight- and-a-half hours."

Ivana Trump (above)

"The Government are about to begin to collide with reality." John Major

"Men have a habit of writing their former wives out of history. But some, like me, refuse to stay dead."

Shirley Conran, former wife of Sir Terence Conran. She does not appear in his `Who's Who' entry

"What makes food such a tyranny for women? A man, after all, may in times of crisis, hit the bottle (or another person), but he rarely hits the fridge."

Joanna Trollope, author

"The institution of Monarchy is inherently silly. And it obliges everyone it touches to do silly things."

Lord Hattersley, Labour peer

"All this talk about the House of Lords being old farts... Why cannot hereditary peers age and grow old?"

Lord Moncreiff, 83

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