Quiz of the Millennium
A Who wrote
1 The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (1946)
2 Das Kapital (1867-1895)
3 The Rights of Man (1791)
4 Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536)
5 Colloquia (1519)
6 On War (1833)
7 Principles of Biology (1864-67)
8 Civil Disobedience (1849)
9 The Outline of History (1920)
10 J'accuse (1899)
11 The Meaning of Conservatism (1980)
12 The Wealth of Nations (1776)
13 A Defence of Usury (1787)
14 The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936)
15 A Treatise of Human Nature (1739)
16 On Liberty (1859)
17 What Is To be Done? (1902)
18 On World Government (1310-13)
19 Discourse on Method (1637)
20 A Theory of Justice (1971)
B Premier league
Who was the first:
1 President of Botswana?
2 President of the USA?
3 King of Italy?
4 Prime Minister of Israel?
5 President of Malawi?
6 Poet Laureate?
7 Chairman of the 1922 Committee?
8 Editor of The Independent?
9 Director General of the BBC?
10 President of Indonesia?
C Last stop
Who was the last:
1 King of Italy?
2 Emperor of China?
3 Emperor of Austria-Hungary?
4 King of Libya?
5 Governor of Hong Kong?
6 Tsar of Russia?
7 Viceroy of India?
8 Emperor of India?
9 King of Albania?
10 Shah of Iran?
D Oils and water
1 Who painted Bas Burtin, Honfleur in 1886?
2 Who painted a Couple of Foxhounds in 1792?
3 Who brought a lavender tinge to the sunrise at Le Havre in 1872?
4 Who showed a meditative Reverend Robert Walker skating in 1784?
5 Who painted The Man and the Puppet in 1880?
6 Who recorded the bigger splash caused by an invisible man in 1967?
7 Which playwright depicted a lonely poisonous mushroom in 1892?
8 Who showed a waterlogged horse-and-wagon at midday in 1821?
9 Who showed Hendrickje bathing in 1655?
10 Who survived the cascade at Table Rock in 1837?
E Crotchets
1 Who said of whom "the good thing about them is that you can look at them with the sound turned down"?
2 Who put "Filthy Mozart!" into whose mouth?
3 Who credited whom with "the not inconsiderable feat of making an ugly record of `Summertime'"?
4 Who said that he would only go to hear Brahms's Requiem a second time "when the weather is balmy, and I can be accommodated with a comfortable armchair, an interesting book, and all the evening newspapers", later modifying this view to that "colossally stupid Requiem, which has made so many of us wish ourselves dead"?
5 Who asked, "Is Wagner a human being at all? Is he not rather a disease?"?
6 Who claimed to "love Wagner; but the music I prefer is that of a cat hung up by its tail outside a window, and trying to stick to the panes of glass with its claws"?
7 Which Wagnerian said of which Essex girls, "I wish I had a band like that"?
8 Who said that his music was "best understood by children and animals"?
9 Who asserted "the guitar's all very well, but you'll never make a living with it"?
10 Who sang about whose singing voice being "like sand and glue"?
F A sense of direction
1 Vilnius. Where is it?
2 Leningrad. Whose symphony?
3 What did Salisbury become in 1980?
4 Where are Maggie's Nipples?
5 Antartica. Whose symphony?
6 Where was Unit 731?
7 Whence and whither the many who braved the Chilkoot Pass in 1896?
8 Spike Milligan has no connection with Goon Dip. Whose shade does?
9 Oxford. Whose symphony?
10 Who and where is Gene Autry?
G The glass of fashion
1 Which item of clothing, popularised by Beau Brummell in 1794, has caused drawerfuls of consternation ever since?
2 What item of clothing would have been known as millers, if Elizabeth had not let matters slip into the hands of a friend during the 1840s?
3 Which item of clothing, popular in the early 1970s, inspired Rod Stewart's muse?
4 What does the negligee reveal ... to Latin scholars?
5 Who came in from the rain fairly dry for the first time in 1823?
6 Some, however, remained content with which item popularised by Jonas Hanway in 1778?
7 What explosive navel exploit was perpetrated by Micheline Bernardi on 5 July 1946?
8 Which 1843 invention would Irving Berlin don some nine decades later?
9 Why was he but one of many millions - or more - who continue to have good reason to praise the Wisconsin town of Kenosha several times a day?
10 To which eponymous designer did Stanley Kubrick and Bob Fosse owe a part of their fame?
H Appliance of science
1 Which desktop item does justice demand should be known as a babbage?
2 Which invention, evidently not yet supplanted by the above, is 200 years older than Christ and only reached us, via Samarkand and Byzantium, 1,000 years after his death?
3 For what did Wilkins, Crick and Watson win a Nobel Prize in 1962?
4 To which meat do we owe frozen peas?
5 What entity was postulated by Oliver Heaviside?
6 Link Leonardo da Vinci, The Ride of the Valkyries and Vietnam.
7 What is a joule?
8 Why is it remarkable that Elisabeth Siddall's hair had apparently grown in 1862?
9 For what is Anton van Leewenhoek best remembered?
10 What is a legume?
I Shakespeare and music
1 Which novelist's cousin and which poets made over Love's Labours Lost into an opera?
2 Who made an overture from A Midsummer Night's Dream; and who an opera?
3 Which two composers made operas from Othello?
4 Which Mozart librettist made what opera from The Comedy of Errors with which composer; which Broadway composers, in writing what, kept one line from the play - what is that line?
5 Who wrote an overture to Hamlet; who wrote a symphonic poem on it; who wrote music for it both on stage and on film; who wrote for it just at the movies (in the Forties); and who made scenes from it as Tristia?
J War stories
1 Which siege and battle in 1954 marked the end of French rule in Vietnam?
2 What is the name of the last battle of the Wars of the Roses, fought in Leicestershire on 22 August 1485?
3 Who fought in the great battle of Kosovo in 1389?
4 What is a spion kop?
5 Which First World War battle in Nov-ember 1917 saw the use of tanks en masse for the first time?
6 When was the Battle of Hastings?
7 When was the Battle of Marica?
8 Who commanded the British forces at the First Battle of El Alamein (July 1942)
9 Who commanded the British forces at the Second Battle of El Alamein (October-November 1942)
10 The Menin Gate is a memorial to the fallen in which battles?
Famous last words
Who, many of them great stylists, expired thus:
1 "If this is dying, then I don't think much of it."
2 "Mother."
3 "Bugger Bognor" or, a contrary, not incompatible sentiment, "How's the Empire?"
4 "Valerie."
5 "I am a fool."
6 "God bless you, my dear."
7 Before being sent to the electric chair: "Well, gentlemen, you are about to see a baked Appel."
8 "I am going to the inevitable."
9 "No."
10 "I'm cold."
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