Album: Madness, Oui Oui Si Si Ja Ja Da Da (Lucky Seven)


Andy Gill
Thursday 25 October 2012 17:21 BST

Though less ambitious than 2009's The Liberty of Norton Folgate, Madness's Oui Oui Si Si Ja Ja Da Da confirms the benefits of spreading songwriting chores among the entire band. What's particularly impressive is the way that, whatever the musical slant pursued – from the saucy, languid skank of "Kitchen Floor" to the cumbia groove of "La Luna El Mariachi" and even the almost Pink Floydian reverie of "Powder Blue" – the lyrical voice employs the same demotic, conversational tone, of friendly barroom banter. Mike Barson demonstrates his melodic ingenuity by cleverly recycled echoes of "Tainted Love" for "My Girl 2", and "Embarrassment" in the sleek disco livery of "Never Knew Your Name".

Download: Never Knew Your Name; My Girl 2; Kitchen Floor

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