Album: Gary Louris

Vagabonds, Rykodisc

Simmy Richman
Sunday 17 February 2008 01:00 GMT

Somewhere, from the mists of a 1960s childhood, I recall a cartoon about a pair of teenagers who owned two halves of a ring which, when put together, formed the magic word "Shazzan". Which is all very well but what does this have to do with the first solo album by Jayhawk Gary Louris? Only that, since Mark Olson left the country-rockers in 1995, it has been impossible to escape the conclusion that Louris and Olson need each other like yin needs yang. 'Vagabonds' is a lovely, gospel-tinged country rock record, but Jayhawks fans must wait for this summer's Olson/Louris collaboration for that "Shazzan" moment.

Download this: The bittersweet loveliness of 'She Only Calls Me on Sundays'

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