The 1975 explain that horrible new album title: ‘I’m sure it wasn't quite as poetic as it sounded’

Was presumably chosen after 'You Are Like A Glove Because You Hold My Hand And Are 85% Polyester' got rejected

Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 09 February 2016 12:48 GMT

We recently learned that The 1975 have christened their new album I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It.

Marketing-wise it’s a stroke of genius - a Tumblr-ready quote that is just begging to be used as a teen fan Twitter bio surrounded by diamond emoji - poetically though, it’s pretty blunt.

Frontman Matt Healy has now explained where it came from, admitting that it probably sounded better in the moment,

The title was “something I said to a girlfriend of mine at the time. Like all situations, I'm sure it wasn't quite as poetic as it sounds,” he told Rolling Stone.

"We had gone from an unknown band to known about, so we were being objectified and known about.

“We were kind of fearful of certain things, and we made the decision that the only thing that was going to remedy that was to make a record that was just about the truth and not about what we thought we should be saying.

“Because of that, I just decided early on that that was the name of the album for no other reason besides that I really liked it."

Drummer George Daniel added: “It's the antithesis of an eponymous record, really."

The 1975 go on tour in March, playing multiple dates in London, Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham and Dublin.

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