Liam and Noel Gallagher's latest row is about former One Direction member Zayn Malik

Hey Noel, leave those One Direction kids alone, says Liam

Matilda Battersby
Friday 08 May 2015 10:50 BST
Liam Gallagher of Beady Eye
Liam Gallagher of Beady Eye (Rex Features)

The froideur between Liam and Noel Gallagher appears in no danger of thawing after Liam described his elder brother as “just another prick in the wall”.

The latest outburst in their well-charted feud comes in response to a Rolling Stone interview given by Noel, 47, in which he described Zayn Malik as a “f***ing idiot” for leaving One Direction and passing up the money and, er, women that come with being in the world’s biggest boy band.

Noel told Rolling Stone: “What are you talking about, you f**kin' idiot? God. All those young Japanese girls s**kin' me cock…I'll say this to you, Zayn: You might have wanted to be a normal 22-year-old, but you won't want to be a normal 25-year-old [laughs].”

Beady Eye singer Liam told his brother to “leave those 1D kids alone”, paraphrasing lyrics from Pink Floyd’s “Just Another Brick In the Wall”, and sarcastically criticising him in a series of eyebrow-raising tweets. “Just coz you have a SAXAPHONE on your new record and you think your (sic) all Pink Floyd,” he worte. “Everybody knows your (sic) just another PRICK in the wall.”

Liam also poured cold water on recent rumours of an Oasis reunion:

High Flying Birds frontman Noel was quoted in Rolling Stone saying: “There was a rumour last week that we've had a gentleman’s agreement [to reform Oasis], but that rumour's come from his people. It's a “source close to him,” and I'll tell you how close it is: She probably wakes up with him every morning. It's always left to me in an interview to let the kids down. People say, ‘You're breaking these kids' hearts.’ Well, what the f**k, man?”

Liam’s riposte on Twitter was:

He also took to the microblogging site to have a pop at NME:

One Direction, who are continuing as a foursome following Zayn's departure, recently revealed that their new album would sound "Oasis-y".

Liam Payne revealed last week that work on 1D's next album is “coming together really well” and will boast some “great, great songs”. Despite his grumpy reputation Noel said he was looking forward to hearing it. “What if it's brilliant though?” he told HuffPost Live. “What if it's amazing?”

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