Bond: Good themes are forever, they are all I need to please me...


Rebecca Armstrong
Tuesday 02 October 2012 22:57 BST
Adele's 'Skyfall' has been leaked online
Adele's 'Skyfall' has been leaked online (Getty Images)

My 'The Best of Bond' CD died for Queen and country. Sung along to with abandon, played to destruction, it died nobly. But few recent Bond songs have come close to the high points (and notes) of Shirley Bassey's bests ("Diamonds are Forever"! "Moonraker"!) or Lulu's subtle way with a lyric ("He has a powerful WEAPON, he charges a million a SHOT").

I have a soft spot for Sheryl Crow's "Tomorrow Never Dies" but Alicia Keys and Jack White? Meh.

Hoorah, then, for the leak yesterday of Adele's "Skyfall", a song big enough to be up there with Bassey. But the only way to know if it's a real corker is whether you want to sing along.

It's too early to say if it's a keeper, so in the meantime: "He has a powerful weapon..."

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