New music to listen to this week: RALPH

Now Hear This

Roisin O'Connor
Wednesday 05 October 2016 12:01 BST
(Press image)

It's a double bill for Now Hear This this week because I couldn't pick a favourite.

RALPH is based in Toronto, where she crafts 70s and 80s-tinged tracks for an uplifting feel, with lyrical undertones of jealousy, lust and deception.

We're premiering her new video for 'Something More', which she says was inspired by Aziz Ansari's Netflix show 'Master of None'.

"The show honestly narrates the existential issues faced by young adults now," she says. "Consumed with social media and dating apps, we're obsessed with the idea of something more or someone better, often leading us to sabotage the good things we have."

Watch the video below:

Q&A with RALPH

What are you plans for the rest of 2016?

Shooting new music video & releasing a new single this month, with an EP due out in winter.

What was the first gig you ever played and what's been the best so far?

When I was 19 I was in a band with 5 guys - I sang and played the tambourine - I even had ribbons on it because I wanted to embody Stevie Nicks. We mostly played in hot, crowded bars with poor sound, but I loved it.

The best so far: opening for OH WONDER last April at their sold out show at Danforth Music Hall. The energy radiating from a 1500 person audience is indescribable.

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