Falls – One Hundred Percent Strong: Exclusive Stream

Self-proclaimed ‘f**k rockers’ stream their new EP and provide a track-by-track summation, exclusively for The Independent

Remfry Dedman
Tuesday 10 May 2016 11:10 BST
Falls are Jeff Stones
Falls are Jeff Stones

Sounding like the bastard-child of Bootsy Collins and System of a Down, maniacal, perpetually half-naked riff-lobbers Falls are about to release their latest EP, One Hundred Percent Strong, through Venn Records on 13th May. The EP is streaming in full below and includes an in-depth, erudite, track analysis by guitarist Phil Kelsall and bassist Ben Griffiths.

With vocals that flip-flop between harmonious Bee Gees-style vocal lines and wide-eyed, unhinged shrieks, Falls are an idiosyncratic proposition, bringing a touch of gaiety to the art of savage riffs. If Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and Marvin the Martian ceased to be the Looney Toons and started writing loony tunes influenced equally by Mike Patton and Christina Aguilera, Falls would be the result.

Falls will be shaking their money makers at the following venues around the UK in May:

Thu 12th May Rewind, Wrexham

Fri 13th May Maguires, Liverpool

Sat 14th May The Frog & Fiddle, Cheltenham

Sun 15th May Fuel Rock Bar, Cardiff

Thurs 19th May Subside, Birmingham

Sun 29th May The Stag & Hounds, Bristol


Get Well Soon

Let’s start at the beginning. Because otherwise life is literally pointless and you may as well stick your head in a bin and douse yourself in petrol if you believe anything else.

Get Well Soon is called Get Well Soon because the idea of calling a song Get Well Soon made us all laugh. As with most of our songs it’s under three minutes long because we have the collective attention span of a four week old spaniel. We wanted it to sound like System of a Down weren’t fronted by Serj Tankian but instead by the Sugababes; the original line-up though not those pesky chancers who thought they were Sugababes but weren't anything close to being a bona fide Sugababe. It’s an impossible dream. Dream big, achieve big.

Shady Nasty

This one takes its name from a bar and woman in ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’. So I’ve been told. I mean, I’ve not watched it. Have you? I’ve heard it’s very good but I only watch Masterchef and Homes Under The Hammer. I can’t handle strong narrative, I’m just not developed enough as a human being yet.

Musically, the intention with this song was to make your bottom do a wiggle. I mean, that’s always the intention with our song writing, but this was the SOLE intention of this one. What happened thereafter was that we went off on a horrible yet inevitable tangent and now it’s just one great big bag of riffs.


So called because we thought the intro sounded like a swarm of actual bees. Which it sort of does. Great. Achievement unlocked. The rest of this song comes from an older tune we just couldn’t shake from the set. There are some sing-y bits and some shout-y bits and some moshy-moshy bits and some shake-your-booty-until-the-world-implodes bits. And that will be our epitaph. It’s interesting to point out that at one point in time this song was supposed to be titled ‘Selleck-tricity’, but, you know, no.

Death In Disco Shoes

This song is called Death In Disco Shoes because Phil (guitars) has an ex-girlfriend who used to refer to herself as this in the third-person. Lyrically, it has absolutely nothing to do with anything, ever. This song has also been kicking around our set for a long time but we’ve re-hashed it and added an enormous doom riff at the end, because we wanted to and it’s our band so ner-ner-ner we can do what we want and shut up Mum, music is a real job.

One Hundred Percent Strong is released on vinyl and digitally via Venn Records on 13th May. Falls start a UK tour in Wrexham on 12th May

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