Monitor: North American comment on Monica Lewinsky's interview with Barbara Walters
All the News of the World
SEX, POWER and intrigue still command attention. In the Walters interview, Lewinsky at one point compares herself with Diana, Princess of Wales - another young woman whose life and affairs became grist in the global media mill. Though Lewinsky acknowledges, "I'm no princess in a royal sense," there is more than a casual connection between them. The void Diana's death created on magazine covers and tabloid TV programs could very well be occupied - at least for a while - by the duchess from Beverly Hills.
Modesto Bee
THERE'S A huge audience for Monica's story still. Indeed, maybe the upcoming interview and book tour will shed some sort of light on the true nature of her presidential servicings. But even a little of that will go a long way, and quickly go too far. It is true that sometimes, only too much is enough. This, however, is not one of them.
USA Today
HOW DOES she talk? How does she compose herself? Is she really the bimbo stalker as characterised by President Bill Clinton's sycophants? Or have the spin doctors spun her character into something that bears no resemblance to the woman on the television? And tomorrow? And the day after that...
Ottawa Sun
MONICA IS now being used by ABC to score huge ratings during the crucial "sweeps" period. Their purpose in interviewing Monica is not to inform the American people, but to garner big ratings. Monica does not need to say anything to the American people. We have had enough of Monica to last a lifetime. The only persons Monica needs to speak to are Hillary and Chelsea. She should apologise to them and then shut up.
Star Telegram
THE RECORD of former lovers of presidents converting fleeting infamy into long-term capital is dismal, but who today will blame Ms Lewinsky for trying. But please, let it end. Spare us the re-runs, the sequels, the All-Monica-All-the-Time late-night cable specials.
Miami Herald
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