Monitor: All the News of the World - Reaction to Clinton's admission of sexual activity
SOME WILL be moved to forgiveness by his belated admissions to the grand jury and on TV. We think it is too late for trust or respect. His shabbiness seems deplorable rather than impeachable. Adultery is not uncommon. Other presidents have been adulterers. Some insist he should not have been put on the spot over sex. He says: "Even presidents have private lives." Maybe so, but he should not have tried to save his skin by being unfaithful to us all.
Chicago Sun-Times
AFTER SEVEN months of stonewalling, lies and cover-up, His address came across as little more than an attempt to save his flailed skin. The drip, drip, drip of sordid details only prolonged his wife and daughter's suffering. Now trapped and forced to confess, he wants everyone to forgive him and just butt out. The time will come to give the President his private life. But too many troubling issues remain unresolved before that door can be shut. USA Today
LONG AGO Clinton chose to manipulate the narrative of his political life in such a way as to cripple trust. What we will know in time is whether he has so falsified his conversation with the American people that he could not through the simple agency of truth position himself to receive their forgiveness.
New York Times
AMERICANS HAVE a right to assess for themselves whether Clinton answered the questions fully and truthfully. They should not be expected to take his word for it. The presumption that Clinton had been lying for the past seven months no doubt diminished the effect of his shock confession yesterday. Most Americans thought their leader could look them in the eye and lie, and they were right. Maybe that is the saddest lesson of all from this scandal.
San Francisco Chronicle
SOME OF us have long suspected that Bill Clinton would see himself as the Prince Hal of modern politics - a born leader misunderstood by partisan critics. Others gave up on him long ago. They forget that the Prince emerges as a wise and capable leader in the sequel. But so far this president hasn't advanced much past Act I, Scene II. He keeps retracing his steps across the stage - and by now everybody knows his next move.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
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