Letter: Why peers must go
Sir: When the day on which the hereditary peers finally lose their right to sit in the House of Lords dawns, I hope that it is made clear that they are losing their places not because they had the arrogance to be born upper-class, nor because they had the audacity to understand their role in the upper chamber to include drawing the public and the Commons' attention to any areas in Bills they felt were unconscionable, or at least gave cause for concern.
The hereditary peers must go because a place in the legisla- ture based on birthright is no longer acceptable.
That today is a time for reform should not blind us from the fact that over a great many yesterdays hereditary peers and their ancestors have given time, effort and expertise to the legislative process.
Surely humanity demands that they be dismissed with a "thank-you" rather than a "get out. You're fired".
Selection over election, whether it be onto a party list, or onto a reformed upper house, may not produce such fighters.
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