Letter: Welsh Campaign
Sir: David Aaronovitch makes some curious points in his piece on prospective Welsh First Minister Rhodri Morgan ("These rebels may be game for a laugh, but they're good for nothing", 9 February). He begins by asserting that Morgan is the favoured candidate of the political press yet fails to mention the relentless and heavy-handed media campaign waged in favour of his opponent, Alun Michael, by Tony Blair and the Labour Party front bench.
What these attacks reveal is the frustration of the Labour Party establishment with regional electorates who, far from thanking the Labour leadership for granting them a measure of autonomy, instead appear intent upon using it to support local candidates.
Perhaps Aaronovitch should relax a little and consider what exactly is the point of devolution unless it is to reflect the identity of - and offer the opportunity for political participation to - regional communities. If Blair succeeds in imposing Michael's candidacy, then perhaps Aaronovitch could explain precisely what the Welsh people gain over the present system of appointees to the Welsh office.
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