Letter: Tory lurch to right
Sir: We write as a married couple and longstanding Conservatives to support Shaun Woodward in his brave stand for tolerance in the party ("Hague sacks frontbencher for supporting Clause 28 abolition", 3 December).
Like Mr Woodward we came into politics because we believed in a tolerant "one nation" philosophy. The Conservative Party has always prided itself on being a "broad church". Sadly, recently it is lurching to the right and has become intolerant of the party's historic support both for Europe and for a caring philosophy.
Over the centuries Conservative governments have introduced a whole raft of social inclusion policies which have enabled it to become the most successful political party in history.
William Hague would do well to remember that he relies for a great deal of his support upon caring Conservatives, some of whom joined the party before he was born, and who formed their views within that broad church. Perhaps, we can remind him of his own slogan "We are in the Conservative Party. Not run by the Conservative Party".
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