Letter: Stone circle

George Lambrick
Thursday 23 December 1999 00:02 GMT

Sir: Karl Cradick (letter, 18 December) objects that the stone circle at Rollright is "cut off" from the surrounding landscape by trees planted in modern times.

There is archaeological evidence from the site that the area may have been more wooded in prehistoric times, and it is possible that the stones stood in a woodland clearing (though not among larches!). The landscape was certainly not like the late medieval and 19th-century field pattern we see today.

Mr Cradick also objects that the stone circle is not widely visible from accessible public places: but if it were, the custodian's hut and vehicles in the adjacent lay-bys would be very intrusive.

Mr Cradick and others will be pleased to know that the Rollright Trust is negotiating to acquire more land around the circle and the Whispering Knights, and a management agreement for the area round the King Stone, to make it easier to appreciate them and reduce the serious visitor wear. None of this is on the grandiose scale of the Stonehenge proposals. We simply wish to retain and enhance the low-key, special atmosphere of the Rollrights.


Chairman, the Rollright Trust

London SW6

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