Letter: Forced off the road

Marion Seed
Tuesday 06 October 1998 23:02 BST

Sir: Like Ms Furuichi, (letter, 5 October), I have noticed a great increase in the number of cyclists riding on pavements. I am surprised, though, at her claim that all her colleagues have been injured; perhaps pavement cyclists are more aggressive - or less expert - down South.

Of course cyclists should not ride on busy pavements, and of course they should use bells; for one thing it would give cyclists a higher profile and maybe help the argument for better roadway provision for cyclists. However, I freely admit to riding on empty pavements beside busy roads. And while I personally know of no one who has been injured by a cyclist, I do know of several friends and acquaintances injured - in once case killed -while riding "legitimately" on the roads.


Preston, Lancashire

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