Letter: Blair's public spirit
Sir: How does your columnist, Steve Richards, know that John Prescott is really saying, "Don't worry about what Blair said. We still love you really" ("You might not guess it, but Tony and John are on the same side", 9 July)? We don't know yet what Blair loves, except power itself.
As the Commons voting record shows, there are many MPs madly declaring their loyalty (and love?) for this fantastically "popular" Prime Minister, who may yet turn out to be remembered as the man who was famous for being famous. Reform of local government and the public sector is important, but Blair wants it to distract us from his cynical attitude to a genuine freedom of information culture.
He also chooses to be blind to the British culture of a different law for the privileged and influential. There's nothing Labour about that and I will not be voting for another media celebrity, thank you.
Nuneaton, Warwickshire
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