Letter: A fair election

Dato' J. M. Amir
Wednesday 08 December 1999 00:02 GMT

Sir: I believe most parts of your report "Tainted election victory for Malaysian premier" (30 November) were correct, but your description of the general election as "tainted" should be seen in the proper context if any tampering was done in the balloting. Having said that, we should recognise the basic picture, which is that the election was conducted fairly, openly and peacefully.

But your description of Dr Mahathir as authoritarian is laughable. As in all past elections, the Prime Minister of Malaysia was elected by the free choice of the people, and the results of the recent election give ample proof again that the electorate exercised their right openly and fairly. Indeed, if you examine the dynamics of a multiracial country, I do not think anyone can be authoritarian in Malaysia.


High Commissioner for Malaysia

London SW1

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