AFRICA. Highly ambitious survey of "the art of a continent", from the earliest objects made by man to the modern age. Too much to take in, but a very helpful installation. Royal Academy, W1 (0171 439 7438) to 21 Jan. Daily 10-6.
AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY. Slightly short on photojournalism, but still an unforgettable account of US camerawork, 1890-1965. Edinburgh SNGoMA (0131 556 8921). LAST WEEK (ends 26 Nov). Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 2-5.
ART AND POWER. Official art produced under the dictators, with a few avant-gardists like Picasso and Klee. Somewhat sanitised, but still a forbidding account of the worst art of the 1930s. Hayward Gallery, SE1 (0171 261 0127) to 21 Jan. Thurs-Mon 10-6, Tues & Wed 10-8.
JOHN MOORES. The 19th edition of this much-loved open painting show. Sixty new works of all sorts, but the selectors don't like abstraction. Liverpool Walker Gallery (0151 478 4199) to 28 Jan. Mon-Sat 10-4.15, Sun 12-4.15.
SEVEN STORIES. Modern African art form seven countries, continuing the RA's story into the 20th century. Whitechapel Gallery, E1 (0171 522 7888). LAST WEEK (ends 26 Nov). Tues-Sun 11-5, Wed 11-8. Free. TH
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