Gazette: Anniversaries

Friday 20 August 1999 23:02 BST


TODAY: Births: William "Count" Basie, jazz pianist and bandleader, 1904. Deaths: Norman Shelley, actor, 1980. Today is the Feast Day of St Abraham of Smolensk, Saints Bonosus and Maximian, Saints Luxorius, Cisellus and Camerinus, St Pius X, pope and St Sidonius Apollinaris. TOMORROW: Births: Claude-Achille Debussy, composer, 1862; Dorothy Parker (Rothschild), humorist and writer, 1893. Deaths: Michael Collins, Irish nationalist leader, killed in ambush 1922; Jomo Kenyatta (Kamau), Kenyan leader, 1978. Tomorrow is the Feast Day of St Andrew of Fiesole, St John Kemble, St Sigfrid of Wearmouth, St Symphorian and St Timothy.

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