TT3D: Closer To The Edge (12A)

Starring: Guy Martin

Friday 22 April 2011 00:00 BST

Speed freaks, look no further.

This documentary focuses on the TT, the celebrated motorcycle race held every year (since 1907) on the Isle of Man. I'm not sure that this makes the island, in one enthusiast's words, "the most exhilarating place in the world", but there is something horribly fascinating in the spectacle of bikes taking wildly dangerous corners at speeds that touch 200mph. Richard De Aragues, the director, profiles all the leading riders but reserves a particular spotlight for Guy Martin, a self-proclaimed daredevil with muttonchop sideburns and a decided preference for bikes over all else, including women ("I'm not gay or anythin'," he adds).

Almost innocent in his obsessiveness, he's like a swaggering cousin of Karl Pilkington, and by the time of the big race day you may be surprised to find yourself rooting for him. With its banal music and ploddy interviews, TT3D occasionally looks like a corporate promo, but De Aragues never loses sight of the sport's high-risk stakes, where a mechanical glitch or tiny error of judgment might be the difference between life and death.

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