Happy Feet Two (U)

Voices of: Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon

Anthony Quinn
Friday 02 December 2011 01:00 GMT

From tap-dancing penguins in the first movie we now have sermonising, rapping, gospel-choiring and even (spare me) opera-warbling penguins in this sequel.

Much of the plot concerns the plight of the Emperor Penguins marooned by a sudden glacial shift in the landscape, with Pink's show-off vocalising and Robin Williams's Latin American accent in a contest to see who can be more annoying. A happier diversion involves the fate of two krill – prawnlike crustaceans voiced, very amusingly, by Brad Pitt and Matt Damon – determined to prove their individuality ("one in a krillion") and force their way up the food chain. If all the scriptwriting had been this good, Happy Feet Two would be a Christmas treat for the ages.

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