DVD: Spread (18)

Reviewed,Ben Walsh
Thursday 13 May 2010 17:27 BST

"I don't want to be arrogant, but I'm incredibly attractive," Ashton Kutcher's preening lothario, Nikki, assures us at the start of David Mackenzie's smutty morality tale. Nikki, jobless and feckless, targets LA's wealthiest single women, sleeps with them, lets them buy him expensive clobber (mainly, it seems, appalling scarves and, more horrifyingly, braces) and then lounges around their swimming pool. Anne Heche's glacial lawyer is his latest "victim". This flimsy look at shallowness and avarice in LA was captured much better in American Gigolo, and reminds you just how good a young Richard Gere was in these narcissistic roles.

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