1 Day (15)

Reviewed,Anthony Quinn
Friday 06 November 2009 01:00 GMT

Penny Woolcock's Birmingham-set drama seeks to meld the black gangsta flick with a hip-hop musical, which some will find a challenge.

The one day in question finds Flash (Dylan Duffus), a drug dealer, desperately scouting the mean streets of Brum to raise a whole lot of "scrilla" (cash) for his hot-out-of-jail boss. The street patois is at times incomprehensible, the plot is a joke and the music is absurdly aggressive, but there are good things too, including Duffus's brooding performance and an interesting sidelight on generational respect: the only person the gangs step back from is Flash's stern-faced, church-going nan (Monica Ffrench). Make this lady drugs czar now.

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