Wolverine 3: First pictures of Hugh Jackman in X-Men spin-off leak online

Looking more like an Old Man than ever before

Jack Shepherd
Monday 06 June 2016 12:33 BST

Over the last few weeks, the rumour mill surrounding Wolverine 3 has been gently turning away, with various sources claiming to know new bits of information about the secretive film.

One such piece of information has surrounded the introduction of X-23, the character many expect will replace Hugh Jackman as the clawed mutant.

Speculation has also been growing over which comic book story arc the film will be based on, most of which has pointed to Old Man Logan.

Thanks to some pesky photographers, we’ve been given a first look at Hugh Jackman on the set of Wolverine 3, the actor looking particularly bearded and disheveled, reminiscent of Old Man Logan’s look.

Fox are keeping information to the bare minimum regarding the film, with little of any substance actually known about the sequel.

Jackman appeared in the recent X-Men film, Apocalypse, with the film’s post-credit scene hinting at Wolverine 3’s possible story.

X-Men Apocalypse was also filled to the brim with Easter Eggs and reference to other films in the series, 10 of the best you can read about here.

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