The Passion of the Christ 2 to be titled The Resurrection, Mel Gibson reveals

'That’s a very big subject and it needs to be looked at because we don’t want to just do a simple rendering of it'

Jack Shepherd
Thursday 01 September 2016 10:46 BST

Earlier this year, a report circulated claiming The Passion of the Christ 2 is actually going to happen, with Mel Gibson and Braveheart screenwriter Randall Wallace apparently working on the sequel.

Gibson has since confirmed work has indeed begun, revealing its new title to be The Resurrection. Speaking at SoCal Harvest evangelical event, the actor said: “Of course, that is a huge undertaking, and you know, it’s not the Passion 2. It’s called The Resurrection

He continued: “Of course, that’s a very big subject and it needs to be looked at because we don’t want to just do a simple rendering of it – you know, read what happened. But in order to read it, experience and explore probably deeper meanings of what it’s about, it’s going to take some doing and Randall Wallace is up to the task.

“He is also, as well as a brilliant writer, he is a great director. He directed We Were Soldiers and Heaven Is For Real and stuff. So, he is a good writer and director”

Previously, the screenwriter said of the film: "I always wanted to tell this story," the screenwriter, who was a religion major at Duke University and specialised in the resurrection, said. "The Passion is the beginning and there's a lot more story to tell."

The Passion of the Christ is the most successful independent film of all time, having taken $612 million at the box office worldwide.

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