Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker star Daisy Ridley reveals she swiped some props from set
Actor said she was ‘well-behaved’ until the final film in the trilogy
Daisy Ridley has revealed she took a few souvenirs from the set of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker as keepsakes from her time in the franchise.
The actor, who stars as Rey, spoke to Lilly Singh on The Little Late Show about how many of her fellow cast members had swiped items from the set over the past three films.
“As we know, John Boyega almost lost a script from set,” she said.
She was referring to how Boyega, who plays Finn, confessed to leaving a Rise of Skywalker script under his bed while moving apartments. The script was found and placed on eBay, and eventually bought back by Disney.
“All the boys took their costumes and various bits, apparently people stole stuff,” Ridley continued. “And I’ve been so well-behaved the whole time, this time I was like, ‘I’m gonna take something.’
“I took the ring that I wear for Dark Rey... I may have been given a sword made of light,” she added, presumably referring to her lightsabre. “And I’m going to ask for my costume.”
In The Independent’s review, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was described as “thematically rich”.
“It also feels grounded in its world,” critic Clarisse Loughrey writes. “Cinematographer Dan Mindel, who also worked on the first film in the trilogy, seems to have taken a few tips from The Last Jedi’s flair for atmospheric, borderline surreal imagery – like the hungry, red glow of Kylo’s lightsaber set against a palette of stormy blues.
“While some of the newcomers are unexpected scene-stealers (including the Shirley Henderson-voiced and small-statured Babu Frik), the film belongs mostly to Ridley and Driver – who swing seamlessly between seething rage and timid vulnerability.
“We may have reached the final hours of the Skywalker saga (or so Lucasfilm has said), but the franchise remains as vibrant, heartfelt, ludicrous, and adventurous as its ever been. It’ll be hard to say goodbye.”
Read the full review here.
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