Spider-Man, Pirates of the Caribbean 5 and Jumanji reboot release dates all move due to Star Wars 8 delay

Expect more release dates to change within the next few days

Jack Shepherd
Thursday 21 January 2016 13:55 GMT
A still from The Amazing Spider-Man
A still from The Amazing Spider-Man (Sony)

With the news that Disney has changed the release date of Star Wars Episode VIII from May 2017 to December the same year, the entire summer blockbuster line-up has changed.

Firstly, Disney has announced that the fifth instalment in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has altered its release date and will now hit cinemas on 26 May, 2017.

Secondly, Sony has brought forward the release of their re-re-booted Spider-Man, bumping it up to 7 July in the US.

The Tom Holland-starring superhero flick marks the first instalment of the franchise released with Marvel Studios.

Peter Parker will first appear in this year’s Captain America: Civil War alongside the likes of Iron Man and Black Widow.

Sony has also moved it’s rebooted Jumanji would be pushed back to the 28 July 2017 instead of Christmas day the previous year.

It was recently announced that the director of Sex Tape will be directing the remake.

You can read all about the Star Wars 8 release here.

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