Ryan Reynolds took a cancer patient to see Deadpool before the premiere because he is the hero we deserve

'Like Wade Wilson, Connor's trying to put cancer in his rearview mirror'

Jack Shepherd
Monday 15 February 2016 11:08 GMT

While Deadpool has been breaking box-office records all over the world, grossing an estimated £135 million in its first weekend in the US, the star at the centre of its rise to popularity - Ryan Reynolds - remains as down-to-earth as ever.

In a recent Facebook post, Reynolds shared how he met with Deadpool fan Conner McGraith, a young man suffering from cancer.

“Like Wade Wilson, Connor's trying to put cancer in his rearview mirror,” he wrote on the social media network. “About 6 weeks ago, I traveled to Edmonton Alberta to show Connor the movie at his hospital.

“Of course, Deadpool was right up his alley because Connor's the funniest, potty-mouthed Canadian mercenary I've ever met.” See the post below.

Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. This is my friend, Connor McGrath. He's quite possibly the biggest #Deadpool fan on...

Posted by Ryan Reynolds on Friday, 12 February 2016

Conners isn’t the only Deadpool fan who Reynolds invited to see the film early; while on the Jimmy Fallon show, the actor told of how he invited a fan to the premier in New York after she mistakingly thought she had missed seeing the film.

The reason she thought she’d missed seeing Deadpool, weeks before it even reached cinemas? She was, according to Reynolds, “high as a kite” after getting her wisdom teeth removed.

Deadpool has been met with near universal acclaim and is in cinemas now.

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