Quentin Tarantino fan has counted every single F word and racial slur spoken in all of his films

This is one hell of an impressive undertaking

Jacob Stolworthy
Wednesday 31 July 2019 12:22 BST
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood trailer

One journalist has watched every single Tarantino film and tallied every single swear word and racial slur spoken in each.

Quentin Tarantino fever is in full swing due to his new film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which isn’t released in the UK until 14 August.

Those expecting a standard Quentin film, though, might be surprised – we saw the film earlier this week and it’s (for the most part, anyway) his most restrained and – going by the results from Dallas Observer‘s impressive undertaking – least sweary in years.

Despite this, the publication’s writer Garrett Gravley – who watched the film with a notepad – found that the F-word tally still sits above the 100 mark (only two of his films sit above the 200 mark).

In all, Tarantino’s films have featured the word “f***” over 900 times.

Thanks to more recent films Django Unchained (2012) and The Hateful Eight (2017), his films have featured more than 200 uses of the N-word. It doesn’t feature in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood at all.

His least sweary film? Inglourious Basterds, which was released 10 years ago in August.

You can look over Garrett’s findings, which includes fun charts, here.

Earlier this week, Bruce Lee's daughter criticised Tarantino for depicting her father as an "arrogant a**hole" in his new film, which also stars Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie.

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