Power Rangers cast want Tommy Oliver (green ranger) to be female in sequels

'It makes it even: three girls, three boys'

Jack Shepherd
Sunday 26 March 2017 16:39 BST

With Power Rangers currently making millions at the Box Office (almost $60 million to date), it's no surprise Saban Entertainment founder Haim Saban has already confirmed another five films are in the works. **Mild spoilers ahead**

Fans of the series know the source material multiple excellent plotlines to follow, including the addition of multiple new Rangers, one of whom is mentioned during the film’s mid-credits teaser.

In the scene, the group’s school teacher announces a new student will be joining them, Tommy Oliver. Of course, those who watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will immediately know Tommy as the original green ranger.

While we don’t see the character, fans are expecting Tommy to once again be a boy, Jason David Frank having played Tommy on TV. However, the cast is advocating for a girl.

Dacre Montgomery - who plays the red ranger - told The Hollywood Reporter: "A lot of the cast and I have discussed that we think it should be a girl. It makes it even: three girls, three boys.”

He also spoke about the anonymity the scene offers, saying: "It’s left blank. It’s a cliff-hanger. Whoever you’re going to drop into that position — whether it’s a girl — it’s inevitably going to create drama. It’ll be interesting to drop that drama into it and see how we all relate to it and work with it.”

Meanwhile, Power Rangers has been given an 18+ rating in Russia for the inclusion of gay character. Earlier tin the month, Beauty and the Beast was given a 13+ for the same reason.

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