Power Rangers reboot: First look at the new team's costumes

Some fans are annoyed about the female characters' 'boob armour' and high-heels

Jack Shepherd
Thursday 05 May 2016 16:04 BST

Earlier on this year, we got our first look at the newly rebooted Power Ranger team in their civilian clothes. The team looked reasonably fine: young actors posing on rocks. Nothing too imposing and nothing much to say.

Entertainment Weekly has made another Power Rangers reveal, showing the team in their new suits. This time, however, there’s a lot, lot more to talk about.

Gone are the spandex, simplistic designs of old; now we have glowing chests, metallic components and - as noted by some outraged fans - boob armour.

From the looks of it, this new Power Rangers Cinematic Universe is attempting to be more serious, without the campiness of the original.

Comparisons have already been made with Iron Man and the Halo. Some fans have also expressed their disappointment over the female warriors having pronounced chest armour and high-heels: two things that seem detrimental to doing Kung-Fu and fighting crime.

“It’s tricky finding a new language for a superhero costume,” production designer Andrew Menzies (G.I. Joe: Retaliation) told EW. “Ours is an alien costume that grows on them, that’s not man-made. You can’t win everyone over, but we are trying to appeal to a more mature audience and gain new fans.”

“It’s the coolest costume ever,” Becky G, the Yellow Power Ranger said. “I’m gonna wear it for Halloween for, like, five years.”

Previously, we’ve seen Elizabeth Banks as villain Rita Repulsa in the film, looking particularly evil, all in green.

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