Leonardo DiCaprio loses out at the Oscars (again), ends up in Ukraine

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. As the world mourns another Leo loss, an uncanny look-a-like turns up in Kiev

Jenn Selby
Monday 03 March 2014 13:20 GMT
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride

The world was in mourning yesterday, as Leonardo DiCaprio lost out on yet another Oscar at the Academy Awards.

As soon as Matthew McConaughey’s name was called, ‘Poor Leo’ trended on Twitter.

Some fans called his loss a farce. Others, “a deeply controversial government conspiracy” (thank you @HAY_ijustmetyou for that one).

And indeed, they have a point – his role in Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street is the kind of ‘big performance’ the Academy usually loves to vote for – if it doesn’t come up against a heavyweight piece of method acting á la McConaughey in Dallas Buyers Club.

As the Los Angeles Times pointed out, does he really need a small gold person to tell him he’s a good actor?

"Perspective: Leonardo DiCaprio ( The Wolf of Wall Street), nominated for lead actor, has never won an Academy Award - but also has nothing to prove," they tweeted.

"DiCaprio is a double Oscar nominee for The Wolf of Wall Street, as both actor and producer, and along with Gatsby, the roles showcase him as an artist at a new peak of his powers,“ Times critic Mark Olsen writes.

"Taken together, they demonstrate his remarkable range, capable of an achingly internalized turn in Gatsby and a grotesquely externalized one in Wolf."

Indeed they do. But it still doesn’t explain how he made his way to Ukraine so shortly after appearing at the awards:
(Obviously, this is an uncanny look-a-like… But still).

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