Bond series' first female 007 Lashana Lynch explains how Daniel Craig's spy reacts to her presence

Lynch described the pair’s first scene as ‘a very powerful moment’

Jacob Stolworthy
Saturday 03 October 2020 11:44 BST
No Time To Die - Trailer

Lashana Lynch, the actor playing a "female version" of 007 in the new Bond film, has revealed how Daniel Craig's character reacts to her introduction.

In June 2019, it was reported that the character would be introduced in No Time to Die as part of a "popcorn-dropping moment".

Lynch's character Nomi is a "00" agent who entered active duty after Bond retired following the events of Spectre. Speaking of the character's addition to the long-running spy series, Lynch said: "She's very much there to shake things up at MI6."

The actor has now shed some light on how Craig's spy acts when he first meets her.

Speaking on the film's brand new six-part podcast, Lynch said: "He's stopped in his tracks by a woman who does the same thing as him for the first time, and we've never seen that before."

Lynch continued: "It turns eventually into a mutual respect for each other because they come from the same programme, and they know what each other's capable of. 

"But, at the beginning, she's definitely technologically advanced and, because he's been away for a long time, she knows exactly what buttons to press."

She described their first scene together as "a real powerful moment".

Lashana Lynch said her ‘00’ character stops Bond in his tracks in ‘No Time to Die’ (Getty Images)

In the same podcast, Craig himself shared the one request he made to Broccoli and producing partner Michael G Wilson before agreeing to sign on as the spy.

Meanwhile, Broccoli revealed the new film will directly link to Craig's earlier Bond films, including 2006's Casino Royale.

No Time to Die – Craig's fifth and final Bond outing – has been delayed yet again, and will be released on 2 April 2021.


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