Ghostbusters: Merchandise aimed just at boys, because someone failed to get the memo about the new cast
You'd think an all-female Ghostbusters squad would be enough of an indication - but apparently toymakers still haven't got the message that busting ghosts also makes women feel good

It's pretty abundantly clear toymakers just can't fathom the idea of girls enjoying anything beyond princesses, ponies, and hair-braiding; even when all the piling evidence says otherwise.
For in the world of toys, the likes of Marvel and Star Wars become instantly gendered. Continually ignorant to the calls of young female fans, and disappointed parents, the likes of Rey and Black Widow have been erased from their own merchandise, consistently sidelined for male characters in almost every possible product. Iron Man 3 director Shane Black even recently revealed its female villain was axed over fears it would impact toy sales.
Yet, you'd think Paul Feig's new Ghostbusters movie would have finally forced their hand on this. Faced with the irreversible fact that the new crew is made up entirely of women, surely there would at least be some concession to the idea that women also get some good feelings from busting ghosts.
Apparently not. Author Chuck Wendig posted a picture of some of the film's new merchandise, which is disturbingly woman free.
Thankfully, the Target website reveals the four Ghostbusters at least have their own action figures; yet, it's incredibly telling that a female presence hasn't been included on either the proton pack or proton blaster toys for the film.
There's no little girls wielding the gear, and not a single image of the female cast members either; a little bizarre considering merchandise for pretty much every other franchise movie is normally splashed with character images.
Really, what's frustrating is that beyond the fact this kind of gendered marketing is pushing girls away from characters they have every right to celebrate and enjoy; on a purely logical level, these companies are essentially cutting off half their potential market here. Where's the logic in that?
At least we've got the movie itself; with the new trailer teasing Slimer's cameo and revealing the film's big bad Rowan.
Ghostbusters hits UK cinemas 15 July.
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