Ghostbusters: Dan Aykroyd praises reboot, angering fans of the original

One fan told the original Ghostbuster: 'What a way to shit on Ghostbusters'

Jack Shepherd
Tuesday 31 May 2016 08:46 BST

As you may have heard, the newly rebooted Ghostbusters has proven controversial among fans, the first trailer quickly becoming the most disliked trailer in YouTube history.

Thankfully, Dan Aykroyd - star and co-writer of the original film - has gone above and beyond to defend the film, saying “it has more laughs and more scares than the first two films”.

Writing on his official Facebook account, the actor stated: "As originator of the original: Saw test screening of new movie. Apart from brilliant, genuine performances from the cast both female and male, it has more laughs and more scares than the first two films plus Bill Murray is in it!

“As one of millions of man-fans and Ray Stantz, I'm paying to see that and bringing all my friends!”

Many fans have already expressed disappointment in Aykroyd’s statement, with one fan commenting underneath the post: “What a way to shit on Ghostbusters.”

Another person wrote: “The CGI is terrible, and the main cast members just don't gel for me. It seems far too forced, it should have been made with the original cast when Ramis was still with us.” (It should be noted that the film has yet to be released.)

One fan claimed Murray “was forced to appear in the film by producers”, a claim that has never been reported and is seemingly based on no evidence.

Previously, director Paul Feig discussed how he managed to get Murray on board for a cameo, saying: "One of the reasons he did it, I think he liked the role we wrote for him. But he also just likes these actors, and just wanted to be a part of it.”

So far, two trailers for Ghostbusters, with lead actor Melissa McCarthy calling the first “confusing” while explaining the film is a “reboot, not a remake”.

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