Deadpool/Spider-Man crossover: Director Tim Miller pushing for Marvel superheroes to meet on screen
'If it were even remotely possible, we will find a way because we would love to see it'

In the current climate of team-up superhero films, it wouldn’t come as a huge surprise if Marvel and Fox teamed up for an X-Men/Avengers crossover (after all, Sony and Marvel managed it with Spider-Man).
While unlikely for the meantime, that hasn’t stopped Deadpool director Tim Miller and producer/writer Simon Kinberg pushing for a cross-over that would see the Merc with a Mouth and Spider-Man work together to fight crime/each other.
"With all of the deals that have recently started happening, we asked if they could get visitation rights to Sony's friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man,” Simon Kinberg said at an event promoting Deadpool’s home release.
"I would love to see it. Both of us are close with [Marvel's] Kevin [Feige], we respect and love Kevin. If it were even remotely possible, we will find a way because we would love to see it.”
According to rumours, the Marvel Studios and Fox are said to have a tenuous relationship sprouting from Fox’s treatment of both the X-Men and Fantastic Four. Perhaps Miller and Kinberg can be the force that brings them together. Marvel fans can only dream.
Meanwhile, Deadpool 2 has been confirmed to be going ahead, with the screenwriters recently talking about how mutant Cable will fit into the film.
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