Deadpool: Ryan Reynolds and TJ Miller answer fan questions very inappropriately in 'Dear Deadpool'
'Kill him where he lives, as a statement. And make sure there are no male heirs'

Deadpool may be breaking box office records around the world - quickly becoming one of the highest-grossing ‘R-Rated’ films of all time - but that doesn’t mean Ryan Reynolds is happy to sit around and let word of mouth do all the work.
No, he’s still working hard to make sure everyone knows just how funny he is as the Merc with a Mouth.
Along with TJ Miller, the actors - in character - answered numerous fan questions in a ‘Dead Deadpool’ sketch.
The three-minute clip looks like it is played through an old VHS recording, with occasional NFSW stills from the film popping up intermittently. Watch below.
The first question, read by Miller’s character Weasel, asks: “Dear Deadpool, my sons girlfriend is insisting on cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year. But how do I put this? She isn’t very good in the kitchen. (Uh-Oh, I hope that’s not a euphemism.) How can I gently offer her advice without offending her pride?”
Unfortunately, it appears Deadpool was not listening at all to the question, as he describes just how to infiltrate a locked compound. It appears he doesn’t listen to any of the other questions either.
In another hilarious publicity stunt, Reynolds spoofed Kanye West’s SNL meltdown in a video, posted to YouTube. Watch here.
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