Crash director Paul Haggis admits it didn't deserve Best Picture Oscar

'Is it a great film? I don’t know'

Jack Shepherd
Wednesday 12 August 2015 10:07 BST
Crash won Best Picture at the Oscars in 2005
Crash won Best Picture at the Oscars in 2005 (IMDB)

While the Oscars have often been plagued with controversy, it is almost unanimously agreed that one year’s Best Picture winner in particular really didn’t deserve the statue: Crash.

Critics were outraged when, in 2005, the film about racial tensions beat Brokeback Mountain, Good Night, and Good Luck, Steven Speilberg’s Munich and the Philip Seymour Hoffman starring Capote.

It seems they weren’t the only ones baffled by the decision as the films own director, Paul Haggis, has now expressed doubt over whether Crash really should have won.

Director Paul Haggis - was a Scientologist for 35 years
Director Paul Haggis - was a Scientologist for 35 years

“Was it the best film of the year? I don’t think so,” Haggis admitted to HitFix. “There were great films that year. Good Night, and Good Luck, amazing film. Capote, terrific film. Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain, great film. And Spielberg’s Munich.

“I mean please, what a year. Crash for some reason affected people, it touched people. And you can’t judge these films like that. I’m very glad to have those Oscars. They’re lovely things. But you shouldn’t ask me what the best film of the year was because I wouldn’t be voting for Crash, only because I saw the artistry that was in the other films.

“Now however, for some reason that’s the film that touched people the most that year. So I guess that’s what they voted for, something that really touched them. And I’m very proud of the fact that Crash does touch you.

“Is it a great film? I don’t know.”

The director went on to talk about the controversial stereotypes he presents in the film, saying the intent of the characters was to make the audience feel uncomfortable.

“On Crash, what I decided to do early on was present stereotypes for the first 30 minutes. And then reinforce those stereotypes. And make you feel uncomfortable, then representing it to make you feel very comfortable.

“As soon as I made you feel comfortable, I could very slowly start turning you around in the seat so I left you spinning as you walked out of the movie theatre. That was the intent.”

Crash is still routinely named the wort Best Picture ever, even amongst stiff competition from Dance with Wolves and Chicago. Nerve wrote of the film: “When Brendan Fraser and Ludacris steal the show, you know there’s a problem.” Ouch.

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