Boulting, producer of 'Brighton Rock', dies

Anna Whitney
Wednesday 07 November 2001 01:00 GMT

The film-maker Roy Boulting, who has died aged 87, made some of the best-known films in British cinema while collaborating with his twin brother, John.

The brothers were so close that they took it in turns to swap the title of producer and director on each film. Their oeuvre covered a range of topics from serious moral commentaries to comedies, including Brighton Rock, I'm All Right, Jack, and There's a Girl in My Soup.

The films usually had a signature theme of an individual against society. It was a passion that began when Roy was seven, when he and his brother – who died in 1985 – were regularly taken to the cinema.

This collaboration was perhaps the most successful long-lasting relationship Boulting cultivated throughout his life. He was married five times, then for a time, considered another woman his common-law wife. He had at least seven sons.

Boulting, who lived in Eynsham, Oxfordshire, died after a long illness on Monday.

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