Batman v Superman: Google Maps lets fans explore The Batcave

The hidden Easter Egg displays just some of the incredible detail put into constructing the film's own take on Gotham

Clarisse Loughrey
Monday 28 March 2016 14:38 BST

Returning to the world of Batman so soon after Christopher Nolan's genre-defining trilogy may seem an impossible task; yet, the artistic forces behind Batman v Superman managed to design a Gotham that felt instantly familiar, yet stylistically distinct from its predecessors.

It's the sleek, vicious Gotham; all dark chromes, peppered with fierce neons. And, at the centre of it all stands Bruce Wayne's intimidating lair; from which Batman's operations hold a vigilante reign of terror over the city's criminal underworld.

You can now see it all yourself, thanks to Google Street View's brand new feature which allows you to explore the Batcave in its full glory. From the Batmobile to Wayne's extensive artillery, and to that Robin costume bearing The Joker's mark that managed to incite so many rumours.

A little searching will see the curious gaze upon the first pieces of Batman's armoured suit, which later plays an integral role in the caped crusader's showdown with the Kryptonian hero. A good distraction, at least, from those fans disappointed at how the film turned out; though its critical mauling doesn't appear to have tempered its record-breaking opening weekend box office.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is out in UK cinemas now.

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