Avengers: Infinity War: Marvel screened 30 minutes of new footage and everyone's very excited

'Exhilarating and very funny too!'

Jack Shepherd
Monday 09 April 2018 10:47 BST
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War - trailer

Although the cast of Avengers: Infinity War are currently travelling the world, promoting the Marvel movie, the company has decided to not show press the blockbuster.

Citing their want to keep spoilers leaking out to a minimum, Marvel instead decided to screen 30 minutes of footage to both press and fans.

While there are few details available online with regards what happens in the scenes, social media users have offered their initial reactions to the footage.

“Won’t spoil the Infinity War footage they showed, but what I will say is that this film knows how to use a Chris,” The Independent’s culture writer Clarisse Loughrey wrote, referring to the many actors named Chris in the film (Hemsworth, Evans, Pratt).

Infinity War, which marks the culmination of 10 years of Marvel movies, has already set records — the first full trailer quickly became the most-watched trailer within 24 hours ever.

American ticket sellers Fandango say the Russo Brothers-directed movie became the fastest-selling superhero movie within a 24-hour period, beating previous record holder Black Panther within just six hours.

Meanwhile, Black Panther — the titular character from which features in Infinity War — continues to smash box-office records, becoming the highest-grossing superhero movie of all time in the US and overtaking Titanic.

Infinity War touches down 27 April.

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