Oscars quiz answers
*1. Finch had died on 14 January 1977, before the Oscar ceremony took place. The award was accepted on his behalf by Network writer, Paddy Chayevsky. Finch was the first actor to win a posthumous Oscar (a feat later emulated by Best Supporting Actor, Heath Ledger in 2009).
*2. Glenda Jackson.
*3. Marlon Brando. He sent American Indian rights activist Sacheen Littlefeather instead, stating in a speech that he could not accept the award because of the "treatment of American Indians by the film industry."
*4. George C. Scott.
*5. Gary Cooper had cancer. He was to die only a month after the ceremony. James Stewart accepted the award on his behalf.
*6. Vanessa Redgrave, when accepting the Oscar for her performance in Julia.
*7. Michael Moore, who had won for Bowling For Columbine.
*8. In 1952, Kazan had named names before the House Un-American Activities Committee investigating Communist ties and many in Hollywood did not forgive him.
*9. Gwyneth Paltrow, for Shakespeare In Love.
*10. Halle Berry, for Monster's Ball.
*11. Sally Field, for Places In The Heart.
*12. Angelina Jolie, for Girl, Interrupted.
*13. They may all be accepted as classics today but they didn't muster a single nomination between them.
*14. None of them. Deakins is on a famously long losing streak which many are predicting will end this weekend.
*15. 10 years old, making her still the youngest winner in a competitive category.
*16. Tandy became the oldest Oscar winner, a record she still holds.
*17. For, Creature Comforts, The Wrong Trousers, A Close Shave and The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit.
*18. He "streaked" at the 46th Academy Awards, running naked past the unflappable David Niven, who quipped: "The only laugh that man will probably ever get is for stripping and showing off his shortcomings."
*19. Berman beat security to present Bob Hope with a home-made Oscar.
*20. The Dollar Bottom won the Best Short Film, Live Action.
*21. Hedd Wynn was nominated for Best Foreign Language Oscar.
*22. There was a 38-year gap. She won for Madelon Claudet in 1932 and Airport in 1970.
*23. Dench was on screen for six minutes.
*24. Harold Pinter received Screenplay nominations for The French Lieutenant's Woman and Betrayal.
*25. Its length. Garson spoke for seven minutes, still reckoned to be the longest acceptance speech ever.
*26. Stapleton thanked "my family, my friends, and everyone I've ever met in my entire life."
*27. Laurence Olivier.
*28. James Franco and Anne Hathaway.
*29. None. She was the first.
*30. The celebrated MGM Art Director Cedric Gibbons is credited with designing the Oscar statuette.
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