From Comic-Con to mainstream cinemas: Here be monster hits

Yesterday saw the end of this year’s Comic-Con, during which geeks descend on San Diego to be whipped up into a frenzy about the release of new sci-fi and action movies. But which films does Trending back to cross over to mass non-geek appeal?
Ender’s Game
Harrison Ford stars in this dystopian thriller. Following an alien war (what else?), a child is sent to military school in space to prepare for the next invasion. Although 6,000 people turned up for a panel with the cast at Comic-Con, many may have just turned up for a a glimpse of Han Solo.
After the station she shares with George Clooney explodes, Sandra Bullock is stranded in space. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón, this intelligent sci-fi is is the only movie that will make an appearance at both Comic-Con and the Venice Film Festival (unbelievably Lego: The Movie didn’t make it to Venice)
The Mortal Instruments
It’s this year’s Hunger Games! Based on the YA fantasy novels, Lily Collins plays a New York teenager who discovers she is in fact a half-human, half-angel “shadowhunter”. There are six books in the series so expect half a decade’s worth of films.
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