Fast Track: e-mail > female
Keeping up appearances as a cool sex goddess
From annahowe@richardsons. com
Clarissa Harlowe, This is the sixth time i've emailed u without success. stop hiding and tell me wot's going on. or has christina killed u and u r not around to answer? Anna xx
From ClarissaH@greatestates.
hi anna,
i am living the life of an internal exile. i know what harriet harman feels like now when she walks into house of commons. christina's trustafarian looks terrified whenever i'm around.
in short she hasn't forgiven me for not repulsing rob quick enough. i am only eating food out of tins that are tamper-proof.
how about u?
From annahowe
o quite nauseatingly happy to be frank. amazingly enough despite pouncing on him at my party david has turned out to be fairly appreciative and so i'm sorry i may be tied up for the next few w/ends thank god i haven't run out of matching underwear yet.
From ClarissaH
o god i hate it when yr girlfriends get a man and then aren't seen for dust. when am i going to meet him?
From annahowe
i'm taking it slowly. at the moment he still thinks i'm a cool sex goddess. dont want close friends who wd be very good at telling the truth around ...
From ClarissaH
if u think i wd!!!!
From annahowe
o yeah like the last time when u brought round the pics of us in the 4th yr ... cannot risk any sad 1980s photos emerging before he's well and truly hooked. got it??
From ClarissaH
i'd be on best behaviour, honest ... and u cant leave me in flat all w/end with only trustafarian to save me from christina. luckily there's some big project on at her work so i'm saved so far. honest i dont know what she's making a fuss about, shes got a new boyfriend and all i was doing was kissing him - i mean he was kissing me.
From annahowe
hmmmmm slight discrepancy there. wot does jon say about it all?
From ClarissaH
jon says that a) rob is a terminal bastard and keep away b) don't believe anything he says and c) nothing morally wrong but i'm braver than he is to tamper with anything belonging to christina.
still, i quite like rob despite all that ...
From annahowe
he sounds disgusting to me
From ClarissaH
the worst thing is, he did ring me up. unfortunately christina was in the room at the time and so i had to say i couldn't speak to him, was far too busy and couldn't see what we had to say to each other anyway. then put phone down and continued to watch brookie. damn damn damn
From annahowe
if he really likes u he'll ring back. keep the power
From ClarissaH
yeah right i can't see which is the more powerful situation - not ringing and squirming by the phone or ringing and facing the sad and desperate tag. not that i want him of course but ...
anyway i went and asked andrea in the hope therapy wd have some answers. she just went on and on about whether i was jealous of christina and wanted something she had
"andrea," i said. "look i snogged him before she slept with him. tell me who has the rights in this situation?????"
she was a bit foxed by that one and gave me some bachs flower essence to calm me down.
Later ...
From ClarissaH
omigod omigod. christina rang up. "we're meeting for lunch today!"
"are we?" i squeaked
silly question ... she bore me off to this little cafe and laid out the following points 1) she was over rob and indeed had never liked him very much 2) he was crap in bed 3) if i went anywhere near him, she'd rip out my ovaries
i said in reply that i had no interest in him but i'd snogged him first anyway nyeh nyeh. honest i felt about 13.
"really?" she said, pausing to light another fag. she started to smile. "i'm sure yr hated bossman mr solmes wd like to know about yr degree result clarissa," she purred. "was that really a 2:1 u got?"
o god she is a devil. by time i got back there was a note saying rob had rung and hated bossman solmes wanted to see me. what am i going to do?
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