Tuesday 09 June 1998 23:02 BST

IN THE first half it seemed as though the cast were overwhelmed by the size of the theatre; the story took over in the second half and the whole thing came alive. There was a tendency to ram the message home a bit too much: it's not subtle. Having said that, I did enjoy it.

Tony Betts, banker

I FOUND it very moving, particularly the final scene when the community comes forward en masse, with the brass band playing behind them.

St John Sandringham, publisher

I THINK it compared very favourably with the film. There are obviously things you can't do in the theatre that you can on film (and vice versa) but they worked with the constraints and carried it off very well.

Ruth Sayle, homeopath

I DIDN'T imagine that the stage version would be quite so poignant. I was expecting it to be played as more of a comedy.

Janet Mascarenas, education project organiser

IT'S A lot darker than the film, which has more of a feel-good and Full Monty-ish flavour. On the whole, I thought it was better than the screen version. Of course, it would have been even better if Ewan MacGregor had been in it!

Cristina Hutchins, hairdresser

MY DAD'S from Barnsley so I thought it was very true to life; the down- to-earthness of it all was very convincing. I think they did it well and I'd recommend it to my friends.

Marieliese Turnbull, who runs a charity for street children

IT WAS actually quite disturbing. You could read it as an archaelogy of the dying days of Thatcherism. I particularly liked the way it showed how a town's fabric can fall apart when the main source of employment has disappeared. The performances were generally good, especially the role of the band leader Danny, who came across very powerfully.

David Burrows, market researcher

I FOUND the narrative quite episodic at times - it seemed that some scenes were just put there to get through the plot as quickly as possible. But that didn't spoil my enjoyment: there were plenty of well-crafted lines and some riotously funny moments.

Alison Davis, office manager

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