Edinburgh Festival Day 12: Theatre Award

Thursday 26 August 1993 23:02 BST

TODAY we publish the second Independent Theatre Award shortlist. This award is made in conjunction with Hampstead Theatre, London, where the winner will receive a showcase run in late autumn. The winner will be announced in the middle of Week 3 of the festival.

Dead Fish SYT with a powerfully acted, moving drama about a family living in the shadow of industrial collapse. Celtic Lodge, Lawnmarket (venue 6), to 28 Aug (031-225 7097).

The Legend of St Julian Communicado's bold, beautifully staged adaptation of Flaubert's short story. Traverse, Cambridge St (venue 15), to 4 Sept (031-228 1404).

Othello Strong central performances and a gutsy promenade production from Acting Initiative in which Othello is a woman, and Desdemona a man. Calton Centre, Montgomery St (venue 119), to 28 Aug (031-661 9121).

Storybook Skilfully crafted, imaginative play about rebellion in medieval England. Theatre Zoo, Johnston Terrace (venue 4), to 28 Aug (031-228 9208).

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