Agenda: Charlie Baker; Maria Francesca Pepe; Carluccio's 'At Home'; BFI film classics; Bush Bazaar


Monday 30 July 2012 11:42 BST

Face to watch: Charlie Baker

He's been described as "Devon's answer to Frank Sinatra" and now the gleefully silly comic-cum-musician is set to make a real song and dance as one of the brightest young things at this year's Edinburgh Fringe

Fashion: Get your rocks on

Looking for a bit of everyday attitude? Then invest in one of Maria Francesca Pepe's punkish rings or fearsome cuffs. With her latest range now available at, she is that rare thing: a jewellery designer able to bridge the gap between the affordable and the avant-garde. From £25,

Lexpionage: Blair up, v

To suddenly, abruptly and presumptuously re-emerge into the arena of public life, especially after having lost both touch and favour with the vast majority of the public

Social Network: Match the tweet to the star

Professor Green, Nicki Minaj, Frank Ocean, Minnie Driver

1. *kisses my babies in Scotland* *sigh*

2. I love how my empty tweet garnered more response than almost anything else I’ve written. #zen #satonmyphone

3. Love it when I’m made to feel like an animal in a cage

4. ‘you’re being inappropriate.’ is such an amazing and versatile comeback.

App watch: The Blur App

modern life is just a smidgen less rubbish with this digital tribute to Britpop survivors Blur and their 21-year career. Featuring previously unreleased demos and remixes, it also includes photo galleries, discographies and brand new interviews with Damon and his merry men. Free from iTunes store

Social Network: Because some things are worth getting excited about...

Food: Carluccio's 'At Home'

More leeway for lazy cooks as the Italian restaurant chain hits the supermarket chiller with a range of high-end ready meals, pastas, sauces and breads. Available from Sainsbury's

Books: BFI film classics

Twelve of these cultural appreciations by critics, writers and poets of their favourite films have been given a makeover for the 20th anniversary of the series with beautiful new covers. Published Wednesday, £10.99 each

Theatre: Bush Bazaar

Expect a crowded house as pop-up arts maestros Theatre Delicatessen take over the Bush Theatre, a gaggle of companies occupying the venue's studio, attic, bar, garden, even toilets. Tuesday to 18 Aug,

Match the tweet : 1. Nicki Minaj; 2. Minnie Driver ; 3. Profess or Green; 4. Frank Ocean

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