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Treasure and Deceit: Schliemann of Troy by David Traill (John Murray, pounds 19.99). Fascinating story of the great archeologist, who turns out to have been a liar and a cheat despite his brilliance.
Lost Cowboys: From Patagonia to Alamo by Hank Wangford (Gollancz, pounds 16.99). Testosterone-rich write-up of a visit to cowboy country by the gynaecologist- turned-country-and-western singer.
Gridiron by Philip Kerr (Chatto and Windus, pounds 14.99). Brilliant thriller about a computerised building that turns into a killing machine.
A Great Task of Happiness: The Life of Kathleen Scott by Louisa Young (Macmillan, pounds 20). Exuberant biography of the flamboyant sculptor wife of Scott of the Antarctic.
Incidents in the Rue Laugier by Anita Brookner (Cape, pounds 14.99). Love and disappointment in an elegant French setting. A delicate, sober novel.
Dear George by Helen Simpson (Heinemann, pounds 12.99). Beautifully detailed short stories that conjure magic out of everyday life.
Everyone's Gone To The Moon by Philip Norman (Hutchinson, pounds 15.99). Roman- a-clef about Swinging London. Great fun.
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